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June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
August 2010
September 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Extracted my wisdom tooth that had been haunting me for the past 2 years last Tuesday. The dentist was such an idiot, claiming that he could take it via normal extraction, then suddenly said he had to do a surgery after my tooth was halfway out. What made it worse was that he gave me so much pain and when I made any sound he told me I was making him anxious. That's BECAUSE of your unprofessionalism!! Even while doing the surgery, I could still hear him say, "eh, wierd leh, give me XXX, help me do this," ARGHHHH!!! 1st time encountering such freaks!! Even while drilling my wisdom tooth, I felt that my upper teeth were drilled a bit too, and the edge of my mouth was also victimised, still having a clot now. The only better thing he did was to extend my att C from 1 day to 6 days due to the surgery, so I skipped the final Singapore outfield. However, even though my MC lasts till tomorrow, I still have to book in tonight for LFX tomorrow.

Having persistent headache since last week, definitely not Chao Keng. I'm gonna see the MO once more to get a detailed examination on me soon.

During these few days of rest, I just stayed at home doing nothing but watch shows to past time. I've added Suzumiya Haruhi, Shakugan no Shana to my encyclopedia of anime and also Bodyguards & Assassins that I took from Teh NiNi. Still searching for the Haruhi Movie.

-Emo Quotes, Emo Glitter Graphics, Scene Quotes
3:30 PM

Monday, September 13, 2010

Once again, it's been so long since I last updated this blog.

Had lots of fun with friends at 28th August evening. The parallel lines event was interesting. I intended to drive over to Chomp Chomp for the dinner but my parents needed the car, so I met Liang and Marcus in Serangoon mrt station where I received my belated birthday present; a red T-shirt. Luckily I was late, we didn't ps Toh Min because of some miscommunications with YL. Unfortunately for Marcus, he couldn't join us for some girl had already booked him(beforehand?). Went to Chomp Chomp and had dinner with PC, Felicia and Bobo. Had quite a lot of food like fried oyster, carrot cakes black and white, satays, fried kway teow, and hokkien mee. The most educational experience came from the soya bean drink auntie who taught me that the mixture of soya bean and xian chao which we normally called yuan yang(mandarin ducks), they called the drink Michael Jackson. WTF.
Went to PC's house after that excluding Felicia who had to study. We played the game we played in mindcafe with Joy and the rest, Hit or Miss. I realised that the rules were different from how we played back then. We played till 10 and eventually calculated the scores. OMG I lost. I was forfeited into treating them Mcflurry and... Haha.

Now it's time for complaints.
This month of September is really fucked up. Booked in on 4th,Saturday as there was firing on 5th. RTU at 6th 5am, lights off at 7plus and reveille at 12pm to do servicing. Tonner driver ps us and we had to return to camp on our own. In the end, we got fucked by CSM. 7th morning outfield till 9th night. Lights off at 10th around 1am. Hari Raya Puasa. I reveilled on 7am for guard duty.
Every guard duty had problems, this time it was because of someone who didn't plan the guard duty on the 11th, forcing me to only book out at 12pm instead of the planned 8am. Pissed at him. What can I do? He's my boss, for 8 more weeks.(Yeah)
Booked in on that night again for the AHM on 12th. I was so pissed at everything that i just wore a T-shirt, PT shorts and slippers in. I just don't care anything anymore. Finished the AHM giving me headache which still lasts and I wasn't able to get any MC for it. Now, I'm starting to get sore throat too. Curses and Curses!!

I'm booking in today!!! FM40L

-Emo Quotes, Emo Glitter Graphics, Scene Quotes
10:14 PM

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Finally gotten my photocard driving licence. Feels cool. (^.^)

-Emo Quotes, Emo Glitter Graphics, Scene Quotes
5:53 PM

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wah.. How long has it been since I last blogged.. Don't even think anyone will visit it anymore. Nonetheless, shall post some pictures from my weeks of hard work.
Some CR when we have nothing to do, really bored.
This is the Preview already. Green passes.
KIT CHAN!!! Beautiful!!!
NDP with Relatives!! Cute Fatfat!!
Selina the CUTE VIOLINIST!! <<33 oops!!:)
Loves NDP though it's a really exhausting work. Hopefully I will become an audience next time.

-Emo Quotes, Emo Glitter Graphics, Scene Quotes
11:32 PM

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Treat people this way, and you'll get treated the same way. I heard something similar to this before but it's just a pile of bullshit. Face it, the world is cruel.

-Emo Quotes, Emo Glitter Graphics, Scene Quotes
12:26 AM

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Words can be meant to cheer someone up, but at the same time, it may actually cause more unintentional damage.

I've got to watch my mouth, that means saying less, so as to not keep offending people.

-Emo Quotes, Emo Glitter Graphics, Scene Quotes
8:20 PM


-Emo Quotes, Emo Glitter Graphics, Scene Quotes
12:44 AM